Floor Soundproofing Solution
Soundproofing a floor is not a one solution fits all. There are a number of factors to take into consideration ie type of floor, cover, noise etc.
By combining different materials, a solution can be achieved.
dB15 Soundboard:
This solution combats airborne and impact noise and is easy to install. If you have a timber floor you can fit acoustic wool between the joist that helps with reverberation in the empty void under the floor.
This system can also be used with underfloor heating in place.
For an extra layer, you can fit the dB Matting 5mm on top of the dB15 Soundboard.
Space lost approx. 15 mm (approx.1 inches)
Estimated Airborne Improvement: 60% Estimated Impact Improvement: 60-65%
* The Information provided is for a guideline only, and whilst we would expect these results, they cannot be guaranteed
dB Acoustic Underlay 15:
This solution is an acoustic underlay that is fitted on top of the timber or concrete floor. Any flooring can be fitted on top of the dB Acoustic Underlay 15.
Space lost approx. 15 mm (approx.1 inches)
Estimated Airborne Improvement: 40-45% Estimated Impact Improvement: 50-55%
* The Information provided is for a guideline only, and whilst we would expect these results, they cannot be guaranteed
Floating Floor Solutions:
This acoustic overlay solution can be used for timber floors and is fitted direct to joists. It improves impact and airborne noise.
Space lost approx. 15 mm (approx.1 inches)
Estimated Airborne Improvement: 55-60% Estimated Impact Improvement: 55-60%
* The Information provided is for a guideline only, and whilst we would expect these results, they cannot be guaranteed
dB15 Impact Soundboard:
This solution is a shallow overlay treatment for improving impact and airborne noise.
Space lost approx. 20 mm (approx.1-2 inches)
Estimated Airborne Improvement: 50% Estimated Impact Improvement: 65%
* The Information provided is for a guideline only, and whilst we would expect these results, they cannot be guaranteed
Underfloor Batten Solution:
This solution combats airborne and impact noise. By fitting acoustic wool and 19mm plank under the floor helps with reverberation in the empty void under the floor. Fitting the dB15 Soundboard on top of the floor help improve impact noise.
Space lost approx. 15 mm (approx.1 inches)
Estimated Airborne Improvement: 50-55% Estimated Impact Improvement: 60-65%
* The Information provided is for a guideline only, and whilst we would expect these results, they cannot be guaranteed
Recommended Installers:
Soundproofing UK – www.soundproofinguk.co.uk 01737 373 463
Just Soundproofing – www.justsoundproofing.co.uk 0776 911 6099
Sound Stop Solutions – www.soundstopsolutions.co.uk 07870 677 184